- Bishop: Rev. Dr. George Mark Fihavango
Mobile: +255 (0) 756 761 903 / 783 444 114
Email: fihavangogm@gmail.com
- Assistant to the Bishop: Rev. Dr. Johnson Gudaga
Mobile: +255 (0)755 549 285
Email: johngudaga85@gmail.com
- General Secretary: Grayson Charles Shilongoji
Mobile; +255 (0) 759 043 747 / 628 169 079
Email: gshilongoji@yahoo.com / gshilongoji@gmail.com
- Assistant General Secretary: Petro Simon Kilima
Mobile: +255 (0) 755 935 017 / 676 935 017
Email: pesiki@yahoo.co.uk
- Assistant Treasurer: David Samwel Kikungwe
Mobile: +255 (0) 759 477 431
Email: dvkikungwe@gmail.com
- Internal Auditor Johnson Kibiki
Mobile: +255 (0) 755 443 775
Email: johnsonkibiki@yahoo.com