IIHAS – Ilembula Institute of Health and Allied Sciences

P.O.Box 01, Ilembula
Principal: Lwidiko Mgalilwa 
Vice Principal: Inick Mgobasa
Mobile: +255 026 273 0320
E-Mail: lwidikomgalilwa2006@yahoo.com



Ilembula Institute of Health and Allied Sciences, is a faith based organization owned by Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania ELCT-SD, is located in the Southern highland Zone of Tanzania. It is situated at Ilembula village, Ilembula Ward, Wanging’ombe District, Njombe Region. IIHAS is located 5 kilometers South- East from International road Dar es Salaam to Lusaka- Zambia.  

Ilembula Institute of Health and Allied Sciences  is among of the Health Institute under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children which offers basic Certificate (NTA level 5) and Diploma (NTA level 6)  in Nursing and Clinical Medicine. Certificate is for two (2) years while diploma is for three (3) years for both courses. 

The Institute formerly called Ilembula School of Nursing and Midwifery was registered by NACTE in May, 2002 and being granted full registration, with a registration Number REG/HAS/005. In 2003 the Ministry of Health granted permission to the school to offer Nursing and Midwifery program in Diploma level.

In 2014 we changed the name of the school to Ilembula Institute of Health and Allied Sciences. This was accompanied by accreditation of the Institute, where by the NACTE awarded full accreditation to the Institute for five years effectively from 28/11/2014 to 27/11/2019.

In 2018 the Institute was given a permission to run Clinical Medicine Course following its application.

Currently there are two programs: Nursing / Midwifery and Clinical medicine.

The institute also has bought 133 reference books, (40) desktops computer, chairs with tables (260), executive chairs with its tables for office use (2set), heavy duty photocopier machine one (1). Double decker for students fifty (50), tables for dining hall twenty (20), also the institute has succeeded to construct a toilet room for Principal’s office and renovation of one (1) classroom 

Currently there are :

  • 386 Students
  • 35 Staff/workers

Major challenges

  • Shortage of classrooms
  • dormitories 
  • teaching materials such as LCD projectors, 
  • Budgetary constraints as there are no reliable income generating activities.
  • Some students fail to pay school fees


  • We managed to add two big classrooms in order to accommodate the increased number of students.
  • We are continuing to buy teaching aid, chairs, tables etc.
  • We constructed one medical laboratory for studies.

Prepared by 

Inick Mgobasa
Vice principal 
