Author Archives: Jochen Döring

ILVTC Graduation ceremony on 2024/11/30

On this day, 13 students of ILVTC Fitting School celebrated their graduation after finishing three years training and working.

The ceremony was lead by Assistant Bishop Dr. John Gudaga, District Pastor Nuru Kahwili and Pastor Saul Mpimbi from Ilembula Parish

Many people celebrated this day together with the 13 graduates from the communities of Mavande, Ikwete, Ilembula, Igongolo and Makoga.

Here you can see a short video from the ceremony:


Bishop Gudaga gave a speech in which he addressed the graduates and guests:

First he congratulated the school-leavers for Joining with Vocational trainings at Fitting school, and he said the courses they got will let them to be easily self-employed or employed.

He told the audience that in Njombe there is a Person who completed first degree in Laws and walked in many offices to look for the Job, but he didn’t get any chance for employment.

When the time was passing without any Job, other people asked him to join with other degree in business administration because was very hot cake in the market. After completing the second degree he started again to look for the Job in different offices with two degrees but bad in luck he walked in many offices without any success. He changed many envelopes for putting certificates without any success and finally was somehow confused.

 One day he got information that there’s a short Course of installing CCTV Camera offered by one vocational centre, immediately that person decided to join with that course, and he used a lot of time to learn about CCTV camera and now is expatriate in CCTV camera installation.

 Good in luck he is self-employed in Njombe and also employed other people to support him.

The first two degrees are in the bag and certificate of short course is giving him daily bread . The Ass Bishop asked the school-leavers to be honest and more creative in order to compete with the need of markets.

The Ass Bishop asked the Head of MAIL to send many thanks to different sponsors in Germany like MESE, private NGO HA-ILE and Private people who are supporting the students and the expansion of Fitting school . He said the Head office of Southern diocese knows the importance of Fitting School for purpose of solving the problem of Employment in the Church and finally in the Country.

 He thanks the management of MAIL for planning, starting and supporting the supervision of Fitting School.

 Furthermore, he thanks the Fitting school workers for daily works, and he asked to continue working very hard for purpose of achieving what they have planned.

 Finally, he thanks all audience for attending the Graduation of Fitting school.
You can see also on this page:


New Assistant Bishop

On 20th of June 2024
Rev. Dr. Johnson Gudaga
has been elected as Assistant to the Bishop.

He was a Principal of Amani College of Management and Technology, located at Njombe.

Election was held at Igumbilo Girls Secondary School



Treasures of ELCT in Ilembula

Dear all member of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania:

Do you know that ELCT has very special treasures – comparing to other Lutheran Churches?
Not only in Ilembula, but in all parishes.

Our friend Lufunyo from Germany detected these treasures in Ilembula during his visits – maybe you will know some of them! – and produced a video.

You can see here: Treasures in Ilembula


All introductions of new District Pastors in 2021

12.12.2021: Introduction of new district Pastor in Makambako

05.12.2021: Introduction of new district Pastor in Kidugala

28.11.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Ilembula

21.11.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Chimala

31.10.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Chunya

24.10.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Lupembe

26.09.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Njombe

12.12.2021: Introduction of new district Pastor in Makambako

On 12th of December
Bishop Dr. George Fihavango and Assistent Bishop Dr. Gabriel Nduye introduced                                                                                 
           Reverend Yohana Mwambenengo   

as new District Pastor of Makambako District in the Lutheran Church of Makambako. 

05.12.2021: Introduction of new district Pastor in Kidugala

On 5th of December Bishop Dr. George Fihavango and Assistent Bishop Dr. Gabriel Nduye introduced                                                                                 
           Reverend Boaz Mbilinyi   

as new District Pastor of Kidugala District in the Lutheran Church of Kidugala. 

28.11.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Ilembula

On 28th of November Bishop Dr. George Fihavango and Assistent Bishop                  Dr. Gabriel Nduye introduced                                                                                 
           Reverend Nuru Kahwili   

as new District Pastor of Ilembula District in the Lutheran Church of Ilembula. 

21.11.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Chimala

On 21st of November Bishop Dr. George Fihavango and Assistent Bishop Dr. Gabriel Nduye introduced                                                                                   
           Reverend Amani Daniel Kabelege                                         
as new District Pastor of Chimala District in the Lutheran Church of Chimala.


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31.10.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Chunya

On 31st of October Bishop Dr. George Fihavango and Assistent Bishop Dr. Gabriel Nduye introduced                                                                                   
           Reverend Ezekia Anania Mlunja                                         
as new District Pastor of Chunya District in the Lutheran Church of Chunya.



24.10.2021: Introduction of new District Pastor in Lupembe

On 24th of October Bishop Dr. George Mark Fihavango introduced                                                                          
           Reverend Award Lyawene                                                                                       
as a new District Pastor of Lupembe District.
The event took place at Lupembe Lutheran Parish.